contemporary terrace on a steep gradient

Carol designed this stylish contemporary terrace on a steep gradient with integral steps and ponds.
New paved paths and a series of safer redesigned integral steps and ponds lead to terraces though the garden. Retaining walls are made from local Wealdon sandstone found on site. These contrast with newly built smart clean rendered walls. The juxtaposed textures of the two different surfaces create a wonderful style contrast.
The ascent to this new contemporary terrace on a steep gradient is now a safer one, with new practical paving and ergonomic step dimension. Down lighters give better visibility in the dark when walking through the space.
Water blades set into the rendered walls, fall into deep sump ponds. This simple effective water feature provides focus and pulls the explorer up the hill! There are lots of rest points on route too.
Horizontal cedar trellising at the top of the garden extends the retaining wall and screens a utility area. This sleek screen is planted with scented climbers and espalier pears. A Magnolia stellata tree creates dramatic shadows in the intense sunshine.
The clients wanted something ‘subtle and robust’ to set off the new planting they plan to work on next year.