seaside kitchen garden on the kent coast

These artistic clients have a studio building in the garden. This seaside kitchen garden was created around the route to this workshop.
Inherited overgrown boundary hedges, trees and lawn, created a dark and depressing tunnel through the space. However the garden opens out into a substantial additional space, neighbouring residents do not have, and an ideal spot for a seaside kitchen garden on the kent coast.
A studio building is located in this larger area to receive the most light during the day, ideal for their art practice.
The new route to the studio is a simple sandstone path running through the narrow shady space from the house to the sunny kitchen garden at the far end. New borders in this corridor are planted with dense shade tolerant carpeting foliage plants and the new slatted fence boundaries bring light and clarity. A contemporary fence supports elegant evergreen climbing plants to soften the ridged linearity of the slats, providing a calm contemplative area to think and work.
The back of this seaside kitchen garden is still being developed, as the clients take their time choosing trained and soft fruit to grow on the perimeter fence around their own mini allotment!
Conveniently they live close to the famous National Fruit Collection in Faversham now called Brogdale Collections so plenty of inspiration to gather before autumn planting begins.
Watch this space! I will post updates in the gallery when the garden has matured and the kitchen garden is finished.